mardi 31 mai 2016

Listview ItemChecked how to check

I'm loading some text into my listview lvPersons what I want to do is, if in the column with index 0 have the value 1 the checkbox is checked if its 0 is unchecked and when I click in the checkbox it should check and uncheck but at the same time change to value to 0 or 1 but I can't do this, because when I give a load the it replaces the 1 to 0 and uncheck all the checkboxes my code is the follow:

private void btnLoadList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //My load funcion is here

    //This code after the load if getting skipped to private void lvPersons_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e) so this one is not executing after the load of items

    foreach (ListViewItem ActiveItem in lvPersons.Items)
        if (ActiveItem.SubItems[0].Text == "1")
            ActiveItem.Checked = true;


private void lvPersons_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e)
    foreach (ListViewItem CheckChangeNow in lvPersons.Items)
        //This  code here is the same that is up in the button but with this one here they will appear check but they will not uncheck
        if (CheckChangeNow.SubItems[0].Text == "1")
            CheckChangeNow.Checked = true;

        //If i remove the one upthere and just leave this one after the load it will replace all the items to 0 and they will appear unchecked
        if (CheckChangeNow.Checked == true)
            CheckChangeNow.SubItems[0].Text = "1";
            CheckChangeNow.SubItems[0].Text = "0";
            CheckChangeNow.Checked = false;

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