lundi 24 février 2020

Change DataGridView Column Cells from CheckBox to String

Okay, so I have a DataGridView in which the third column, index 2, is a checkbox column, with some checkboxes checked, and some checkboxes unchecked, but instead of that, i want to show a string value depending if the value of the cell is true or false.

This is the problem

My DataGridView DataSource is a DataTable. Here is the method that gets the datatable for the DataGridView.DataSource.

public static DataTable DevolverInfoFuncionarios()
            DataTable dtFuncs = new DataTable();

            string select_all_Funcs = "select IDFuncionario, Nome, is_gerente from Funcionarios";
            using (SqlCommand sql_com = new SqlCommand(select_all_Funcs, conexao))
                SqlDataReader dr = sql_com.ExecuteReader();

            return dtFuncs;


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