mardi 20 octobre 2020

Checkboxes not checking in React drop down menu?

I'm working on a dropdown menu in React.js which serves as a filter for some of the items of the page. The filter function works fine, but when I go to check one of the filters, the check does not show up.

import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
import Menu from '@material-ui/core/Menu';
import MenuItem from '@material-ui/core/MenuItem';

function Filter() {  
    const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState(null);

    const handleClick = (event) => {

    const handleClose = () => {

    const handleChange = (event) => {
        setState({ ...state, []: });
      <Button style= onClick={handleClick}>Filter</Button>
            <Menu id="simple-menu" anchorEl={anchorEl} keepMounted open={Boolean(anchorEl)} onClose={handleClose}>
                        <label for="one"><input type="checkbox" id="one" name="filter" onChange={handleChange} value="opt1" /> Option1</label>
                        <label for="two"><input type="checkbox" id="two" name="filter" onChange={handleChange} value="Photography" className="medium" /> Photography</label>

Basically, I want the checks in the checkboxes to show when I click them. How do I get them to show? I checked to ensure that I'm using the correct conventions for checkboxes with the name and the div that you are supposed to use between them, but I wondering why it still won't show. I'm using components of the Material-UI library:

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