samedi 27 mars 2021

Detect the source of CheckChanged of a checkbox in Xamarin Forms

The CheckedChanged event of a CheckBox is fired when the page is loading up (on data binding), in addition to the user actually checking/unchecking.

Is there a way to detect whether CheckedChanged event was fired by a user action or otherwise?

In WinForms/WPF, I used to define a boolean variable like Loading = true; and then used to set Loading = false; once page load is finished. Then, the CheckedChanged event would check if Loading is false to execute the logic. Here's how I used to do it:

private void CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, CheckedChangedEventArgs e)
    if (Loading == true) return;

    //execute logic...

With async functions all over, I am unable to fit the Loading trick correctly. Is there a better way?

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