mardi 15 mars 2022

React update checkbox from object value

I'm trying to control a checkbox by using the value property that is coming from tableData. And by default the value is true.

let newData = => {
        return {
          installmentChecked: true,
          lateFeeChecked: true,
          depositChecked: true,
          collectionChecked: true,

After I mapped the data, I return the input like this.

const { data, index } = props;
  onChange={() => onChangeCheckbox('lateFeeChecked', index,data?.lateFeeChecked)}

And this how I handle the value of the object.

const onChangeCheckbox = (key, index,status) => {
    tableData[index][key] = !tableData[index][key];
    console.log(tableData[index][key], 'props key');
    console.log(status, 'status');

The problem that I'm getting is, the checkbox won't change at all. When I click, the console says.

false 'props key'
true 'status'

Is there any problem with my code? Or maybe anyone could gimme a better way to handle a checkbox in React? Appreciate any kind of responses, thanks before.

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