mardi 30 décembre 2014

Jquery if checkbox checked doesn't work?

Im trying to make a selection with progress bar for each checkbox when user checked one of the checkbox, the progress bar will show/display. So bar I already coded the css of progress bar is display:none; and also set if checkbox if checked $('.pbar').css('display','block'); , but this doesn't work , anyone can help me check my code please ? what mistake I have made . Thanks

JS Fiddle


<div id="popupfoot">
<p id="survey_title"></p>
<h5 id="choose"></h5>

<div id="survey_question"></div>


var PG = {
divid: "",
multiselection: "",
optionitem: [],
init: function (divid, multiselection, optionitem) {
PG.divid = divid;
PG.multiselect = multiselection;
PG.optionitem = optionitem;

test: function () {
for (var i = 0; PG.optionitem.length > i; i++) {

render_1: function () {
$.each(array, function (i, obj) {

var selection = "<input class='the_checkbox' type='checkbox' id=" + obj.value + " name=" + + " value=" + obj.value + ">" +
"<label class='label' for=" + obj.value + ">" + obj.value + "</label>" +
"<div class='pbar'><div class='pbarinner' style='width:75%;'></div></div>";

$("#" + PG.divid).append(selection);
if ($('input#'+obj.value).is(':checked')) {


$("#survey_title").append("What is your favorite fruit??");
$("#choose").append("Please select 1 fruit only:");

$('.the_checkbox').on('change', function (evt) {
if ($(this).siblings(':checked').length >= PG.multiselect) {
this.checked = false;

render_2: function () {
$.each(w_array, function (i, obj) {
var selection = "<input class='the_checkbox' type='checkbox' id=" + obj.value + " name=" + + " value=" + obj.value + ">" +
"<label class='label' for=" + obj.value + ">" + obj.value + "</label>";

$("#" + PG.divid).append(selection);


$("#choose").append("Please select 3 item :");

$('.the_checkbox').on('change', function (evt) {
if ($(this).siblings(':checked').length >= PG.multiselect) {
this.checked = false;

save: function () {}

var array = [];
array[0] = {
"name": "fruit",
"value": "mango"
array[1] = {
"name": "fruit",
"value": "apple"
array[2] = {
"name": "fruit",
"value": "orange"
array[3] = {
"name": "fruit",
"value": "banana"

var w_array = [];
w_array[0] = {
"name": "com",
"value": "RAM"
w_array[1] = {
"name": "com",
"value": "DISK"
w_array[2] = {
"name": "com",
"value": "BOOK"
w_array[3] = {
"name": "com",
"value": "PEN"

PG.init("popupfoot", "1", array);
/*PG.init("survey_question", "3", w_array);

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