I have created a runtime checkboxes in vba. This checkboxes are reference to excel rows :-
Equipment Finishing (painting, scratches, damage, etc) Equipment Alignment (doors, removable panels/covers, locks, section-to section, etc) Equipment / Device Labels/Nameplates and Component Layout Torque Marking Component / Device Inspection (damage to parts, missing screws, etc)
I created a form with combo box which have "GIS Swgr" "SF6 Swgr" "MC Swgr"
as list. When the user changes the item in combo box it searches in excel and automatically hides the checboxes where there is "-" in row. I am using the below code to do the same.
Const sSHEET_NAME As String = "Hour Per Equipment"
Const FORM_TOP As Integer = 20
Const iPITCH As Integer = 25
Const FORM_LEFT As Integer = 12
Const iWidth As Integer = 350
Dim ctlCheckBox As MSForms.Control
Dim wks As Worksheet
Const Elect_Strt As Integer = 29
Const Elect_End As Integer = 65
Dim Elect_Top As Integer
Dim iRow2 As Integer
Dim Elect_left As Integer
col_num = cboEqpTypes.ListIndex + 2
Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sSHEET_NAME)
Vis_Top = FORM_TOP
For iRow = Vis_Strt To Vis_End
If wks.Cells(iRow, col_num) <> "-" Then
Set ctlCheckBox = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1")
With ctlCheckBox
.Caption = Cells(iRow, "A")
.Name = "cb" & iRow
.Top = Vis_Top
.Width = iWidth
End With
Vis_Top = Vis_Top + iPITCH
End If
Next iRow
My requirement now is that when a user selects "GIS Swgr" in combo box, it will show the checkboxes. Now I want to assign numbers to this checkboxes such that when a user checks
Equipment Finishing (painting, scratches, damage, etc) Equipment / Device Labels/Nameplates and Component Layout
then it should add "0.50" and "0.50" and return a msg box with total as "1". Similarly when a user selects "SF6 Swgr" then it should do the same with "0.1" and "0.4" and add them and return Total as msgbox "0.5" Please find the image for better understanding.
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