mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Jquery .change can't retrieve inserted checkbox values

I have a serious problem in my script when I want to add a new checkbox input through ajax call. The problem is that i can't retrieve the value of this checkbox after it's inserted.

I give an example here in jsfiddle :

Script Code :

    $(function() {
      $(".ch").change(function() {
        // Récupérer les données du formulaire
        var country = $("select#country").val();

        var op = "<td>Options :</td>" +
          "<br />" +
          "<td>" +
          "<div>" +
          "<label>" +
          "<input type='checkbox' class='ch' id='option1' name='options' class='ch' value='1'>Option1</label>" +
          "</div>" +
          "<div>" +
          "<label>" +
          "<input type='checkbox' id='option2' name='options' class='ch' value='2'>Option2</label>" +
          "</div>" +

        if (country != "") {
        var options = $("input[name=options]:checked").map(function() {
          return this.value;

      alert("Country=" + country + " options=" + options);



Html Code :

      Selection :
      <select name="select" class="ch" id="country">
        <option value="">Nothing</option>
        <option value="val1">Maroc</option>
        <option value="val2">USA</option>
        <option value="val3">Egypt</option>
  <tr id="options_insert">


any help will be very apreciated

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