vendredi 23 septembre 2016

When I select check box in the view page and pass it to controller, it is not getting parsed

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
Hi,<?php echo $uname; ?><br><br>
<tr><?php if($iot==1){echo "IOT";} else {?>IOT<input name="interests[]" type='checkbox' value='1'><br> <?php } ?></tr><br>
<tr><?php if($hss==1){echo "HSS";} else {?>HSS<input name="interests[]" type='checkbox' value='2'><br><?php }?></tr><br>
<tr><?php if($apps==1){echo "APPLICATIONS";}else {?>APPLICATIONS<input name="interests[]" type='checkbox' value='3'><br><?php } ?></tr><br>
<tr><?php if($netNSec==1){echo "Networking and security";}else {?>netNSec<input name="interests[]" type='checkbox' value='4'><br><?php } ?></tr><br>
<input type='submit' value='add' name='add'>



                if(is_array($ints) || is_object($ints))
                    foreach ($ints as $i)
                        echo "<script>alert($i)</script>";

These are the view and controller pages respectively. Even if I checked the boxes in view page, the controller is not detecting. Please suggest any changes you consider are necessary.

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