samedi 1 octobre 2016

Spring mvc data binding String to checkboxes

I do like to have bind checkboxes into 1 String object, I noticed multiples checkboxes is checked, then at server-side will received String of "value1,value2,value4" which is selected checkboxes value. But the String of "value1,value2,value4" cannot generate page that check the checkboxes. Any workaround of suggested solution?

What I done a work around, but still have bug that cause other fields failed to bind due to multiple bind to same path (eg: path="types"):

@RequestMapping(value = "/someUrl", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String displayInputCustomClass(Map<String, Object> map) {
    CustomClass customClass = new CustomClass();
    //customerClass.types => is a String
    map.put("customClass", customClass);
    map.put("types", getTypes());
    return "/internalView/inputForm";

@RequestMapping(value = "/someUrl/{ccId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveCustomClass(Map<String, Object> map, @PathVariable Integer ccId) {
    if (errors.getErrorCount() > 0) {
        map.put(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + "customClass", errors);
        map.put("types", getTypes());
        return "/internalView/inputForm";
        //Save the object into DB

private Map getTypes(){
    Map<String, String> types = new LinkedHashMap();
    types.put("value1", "1st type");
    types.put("value2", "2nd type");
    types.put("value3", "3rd type");
    types.put("value4", "4th type");
    return types;

In the JSP, I do:

        <c:set var="previousTypes" value="${fn:split(customClass.types, ',')}" scope="request"/>
        <c:set var="type1Var" value="" scope="request"/>
        <c:set var="type2Var" value="" scope="request"/>
        <c:set var="type3Var" value="" scope="request"/>
        <c:set var="type4Var" value="" scope="request"/>
        <c:forEach items="${requestScope.types}" var="type" >
            <c:forEach items="${previousTypes}" var="previousType">
                <c:if test="${type.value == previousType }">
                    <c:if test="${type.value == 'value1'}">
                        <c:set var="value1Var" value="true" scope="request"/>
                    <c:if test="${type.value == 'value2'}">
                        <c:set var="value2Var" value="true" scope="request"/>
                    <c:if test="${type.value == 'value3'}">
                        <c:set var="value3Var" value="true" scope="request"/>
                    <c:if test="${type.value == 'value4'}">
                        <c:set var="value4Var" value="true" scope="request"/>

        Please check for custom class type(s):
        <c:if test="${empty value1Var}">
            <form:checkbox path="types" value="value1" /> Value1
        <c:if test="${!empty value1Var}">
            <form:checkbox path="types" value="value1" checked="checked" /> Value1
        <c:if test="${empty value2Var}">
            <form:checkbox path="types" value="value2" /> Value2
        <c:if test="${!empty value2Var}">
            <form:checkbox path="types" value="value2" checked="checked" /> Value1
        // ... Same for generate value3 & value4 checkboxes 

I'm new to spring mvc, this is what I can think of, any other binding workaround to solve 1 String map to multiple checkboxes solution?

Thanks in advance!

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