Using the code from here, I am able to use the Check/Uncheck feature but once I put it into a repeater, the Range option does not select each checkbox anymore..
any help would be appreciated.
$(document).ready(function () {
var lastChecked = null;
var $chkboxes = $('input[type=checkbox]:not(#checkAll)');
$ (e) {
console.log("checkbox clicked");
if (!lastChecked) {
console.log("This was the first checkbox clicked");
lastChecked = this;
if (e.shiftKey) {
console.log("Shift held");
var start = $chkboxes.index(this);
var end = $chkboxes.index(lastChecked);
$chkboxes.slice(Math.min(start, end), Math.max(start, end) + 1).prop('checked', lastChecked.checked);
lastChecked = this;
$("#checkAll").click(function () {
if ($("#checkAll").is(':checked')) {
$("input[type=checkbox]").each(function () {
$(this).prop("checked", true);
} else {
$("input[type=checkbox]").each(function () {
$(this).prop("checked", false);
Resulting HTML
<ul class="list-unstyled checkbox-list">
<label class="checkbox">
<input id="ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl01_repGrid_chkItem_0" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ctl01$repGrid$ctl01$chkItem" />
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