jeudi 3 novembre 2016

Checking Against Specific Checkboxes with the Answers

I have already done a lot of research on Stack Overflow to attempt to answer this question, but most answers are to specific to answer this.

I am attempting to lock questions after the answers are selected and tell the user if the question is right or wrong.

My solution for a Multiple Checkbox style question was to have a 'confirm' button after they select there answers. In this case, I have built a generic function for me to pass the answers to and have them mapped for me. However, I am struggling to come up with a solution for Multiple Checkboxes.

The solution must revolve around javascript/jquery as I do not have control over the HTML generated from this Form Builder that I use.


My solution below fails to correctly confirm the right answer for Question 14, it should only pop up 'Correct!' if option 3 AND 4 are both selected.

Currently, it pops up correct if they select 4 and any other option.

For a version to work with: Fiddle


<div id="q14" class="q required highlight">
<a class="item_anchor" name="ItemAnchor25"></a>
<span class="question top_question">14. Life policy purchase evaluations include which of the following (choose all that apply):&nbsp;<b class="icon_required" style="color:#FF0000">*</b></span>
<table class="inline_grid">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="RESULT_CheckBox-25" class="multiple_choice" id="RESULT_CheckBox-25_0" value="CheckBox-0" readonly=""><label for="RESULT_CheckBox-25_0">Insured’s credit rating</label></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="RESULT_CheckBox-25" class="multiple_choice" id="RESULT_CheckBox-25_1" value="CheckBox-1" readonly=""><label for="RESULT_CheckBox-25_1">Employment history</label></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="RESULT_CheckBox-25" class="multiple_choice" id="RESULT_CheckBox-25_2" value="CheckBox-2" readonly=""><label for="RESULT_CheckBox-25_2">Medical records</label></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="RESULT_CheckBox-25" class="multiple_choice" id="RESULT_CheckBox-25_3" value="CheckBox-3" readonly=""><label for="RESULT_CheckBox-25_3">Insurer’s credit rating</label></td>


var content = document.body.textContent || document.body.innerText;
var hasText = content.indexOf("10. What is the minimum initial investment for a non-retirement investor in this program?")!==-1;

//page 4 questions
    var correctNumber = [1, 0, 0, 1, 23, 1];

//Dynamically grabs questions, answers, and creates alert boxes for each section of radio buttons
function createQuiz(correctNumber){


        var question = $(this).parent("div").find($(".multiple_choice")).attr("name"); //get the question name attribute
        var parentDiv = $(this).parent("div").attr("id"); //get the parent div id

        //set the alert box HTML
        $(this).parent("div").after("<br><br><br><div id='"+parentDiv+"_success' class='alert alert-success'><strong>Correct!</strong></div><div id='"+parentDiv+"_fail' class='alert alert-danger'><strong>Incorrect!</strong></div>");
        $("#"+parentDiv+"_fail").hide(); //hide alert box
        $("#"+parentDiv+"_success").hide();//hide alert box


            $("input[name='"+question+"']").on("click keypress", function(){

                $("input[name='"+question+"']").prop('disabled', true);
                $("input[name='"+question+"']:radio:not(:checked)").attr('disabled', true);
                $(this).attr('disabled', false);

                else {

                    contentAsHTML: true,
                    maxWidth: '480',
                    animation: 'grow',
                    side: ['right', 'top', 'bottom', 'left']

            }); //end on click/keypress

        } else if ($(this).parent("div").find($(".multiple_choice")).attr("type")=='checkbox'){

            $("#"+parentDiv+"_success").before("<button id='"+parentDiv+"_confirm' style='width:200px; left:16px; position:relative;' type='button' value='Confirm'>Confirm</button>");

            $("#"+parentDiv+"_confirm").on("click keypress", function(){

                $("input[name='"+question+"']").prop('readonly', true);

                var answers = correctNumber[i].toString().split("");

                for(p=0; p < answers.length; p++){

                    var selected = [];
                    $("input[name='"+question+"']").filter(":checked").each(function() {

                        if(question+"_"+answers[p] == $(this).attr('id') && $("input[name='"+question+"']").filter(":checked").length == answers.length){
                        else {


                    // if($("#"+question+"_"+answers[p]).is(':checked') && $("input[name='"+question+"']").filter(":checked").length == answers.length){
                    //  $("#"+parentDiv+"_success").show();
                    //  $("#"+parentDiv+"_fail").hide();
                    // } 
                    // else {
                    //  $("#"+parentDiv+"_success").hide();
                    //  $("#"+parentDiv+"_fail").show();
                    // }

                        contentAsHTML: true,
                        maxWidth: '480',
                        animation: 'grow',
                        side: ['right', 'top', 'bottom', 'left']

                } //end for loop

            }); //end on click/keypress

        } //end outer if

    }); //end outer each
} //end createQuiz function

}); //end document ready

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