How to create 2 checkboxes, displaying (i.e.) 1. Food and 2. Musician…
1) if both checkboxes are checked, food and musicians are displayed;
2) if food is checked and musician is unchecked, the element is still visible, because it contains food, dispite it also contains musician;
3) if musician is checked and food is unchecked, it is also still visible, because it contains musician, dispite it also contains food;
4) if both food and musician are unchecked, the li item disappears.
My html is:
<ul class="filterSection">
<input checked="true" type="checkbox" value="Food"/>
<input checked="true" type="checkbox" value="Musician"/>
<ul id="itemsToFilter">
<li data-type="Food">Food</li>
<li data-type="Musician">Musician</li>
<li data-type="Food Musician">Food & Musician</li>
And the following javascript code (integrated below the two lists):
// get all of our list items
var itemsToFilter = document.querySelectorAll("#itemsToFilter li");
//setup click event handlers on our checkboxes
var checkBoxes = document.querySelectorAll(".filterSection li input");
for (var i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) {
checkBoxes[i].addEventListener("click", filterItems, false);
checkBoxes[i].checked = true;
// the event handler!
function filterItems(e) {
var clickedItem =;
if (clickedItem.checked == true) {
hideOrShowItems(clickedItem.value, "hideItem", "showItem");
} else if (clickedItem.checked == false) {
hideOrShowItems(clickedItem.value, "showItem", "hideItem");
} else {
// deal with the indeterminate state if needed
// add or remove classes to show or hide our content
function hideOrShowItems(itemType, classToRemove, classToAdd) {
for (var i = 0; i < itemsToFilter.length; i++) {
var currentItem = itemsToFilter[i];
if (currentItem.getAttribute("data-type") == itemType) {
removeClass(currentItem, classToRemove);
addClass(currentItem, classToAdd);
// Helper functions for adding and removing class values
function addClass(element, classToAdd) {
var currentClassValue = element.className;
if (currentClassValue.indexOf(classToAdd) == -1) {
if ((currentClassValue == null) || (currentClassValue === "")) {
element.className = classToAdd;
} else {
element.className += " " + classToAdd;
function removeClass(element, classToRemove) {
var currentClassValue = element.className;
if (currentClassValue == classToRemove) {
element.className = "";
var classValues = currentClassValue.split(" ");
var filteredList = [];
for (var i = 0 ; i < classValues.length; i++) {
if (classToRemove != classValues[i]) {
element.className = filteredList.join(" ");
I found out that in css you can do the following:
#itemsToFilter li[data-type*=Food] {background-color: green;}
#itemsToFilter li[data-type*=Musician] {background-color: yellow;}
(The asterisk causes one or multiple data-type attributes to be recognised)
No problems there, so I'm interested in the javascript-part:
1) if both checkboxes are checked, food and musicians are displayed;
2) if food is checked and musician is unchecked, the element is still visible, because it contains food, dispite it also contains musician;
3) if musician is checked and food is unchecked, it is also still visible, because it contains musician, dispite it also contains food;
4) if both food and musician are unchecked, the li item disappears.
I want this without having to make a new checkbox called 'Food Musician'. Which could be done by adding
#itemsToFilter li[data-type*='Food Musician'] {background:pink;}
So only working with the checkboxes 'Food' and 'Musician'.
See or follow this example on
My question was raised after reading this article from Kirupa:
I also found this example, which is kinda what I want:
Filter by multiple data attribute elements
Winning answer gets a bar of chocolate.
Thanks a lot in advance!
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