mardi 15 novembre 2016

iCheck cannot uncheck a checked checkbox

I want to uncheck a checked checkbox when its parent checkbox is not checked ; I mean by a parent checkbox a checkbox having an id attribute value that has parent-child business logic in the database. In the layout it looks like this :

enter image description here

As you can see the "Départements" checkbox is the parent of the two below checkboxes "Ajout" and "Modification".

So I want to prevent checking the child checkbox , say "Ajout" , if its parent "Départements" is not checked. Here is what I did :

<c:forEach items="${hash_map_menu.value}" var="menu" varStatus="iterator">
    <c:set var="indentation" value=""/>
    <table class="table">
            <c:if test="${menu.menu_bouton == 1}">
                <c:forEach begin="0" end="${menu.depth - 1}">
                    <c:set var="indentation" value="${indentation}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" />
                <td id="menulib_${menu.menu_id}">${indentation}${menu.menu_navigation}</td>
                <td width="5%" align="center"><label><input type="checkbox" class="minimal" id="${menu.menu_id}" name="${menu.menu_id}" value="${menu.menu_id}" /></label></td>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $(":checkbox").on("ifChecked", function() {
            var menu_id = $(this).attr("id");
            if (isMenuChild(menu_id) == "true") { // it has a parent checkbox
                var menu_parent_id = getMenuParent(menu_id);
                if ( ! $("#"+menu_parent_id).prop("checked") ) {

At runtime I can check a child checkbox even if its parent is not checked , and when I try to uncheck it then I cannot ! So what is wrong in my code ?

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