Hello I am trying to add a result of a checkbox into my array to add to a database when submitted.
Another user kindly changed my original code but I can't work out how to add the result of my checkbox to my array.
It now shows on the screen properly but I cant get it to copy to a field to be able to save the field to my database so that when I open the page again it will then load from the database and show if it is overtime on my hours recorded.
I want to save a Value of checked = Y and when not checked = N to the array I think I might need to copy the value to a hidden field but I can't get it to work.
<!-- this next section is to dynamically add the parts fields to the jobsheet page so more parts can be added on the page without it starting out too large. -->
<!-- this ext section is the Adding Hours on the jobsheet -->
var rownumhours = 0;
function addhours(obj, e) {
var hoursrow = '<p id="rownumhours' + rownumhours + '">Start Time: <input type="time" name="add_start[' + rownumhours + ']" size="4" value="' +
$(obj).closest('span.headings').find('[name="add_start"]').val() + '"> Finish Time: <input type="time" name="add_finish[' + rownumhours + ']" value="' +
$(obj).closest('span.headings').find('[name="add_finish"]').val() + '"> Date: <input type="date" name="add_date[' + rownumhours + ']" value="' +
$(obj).closest('span.headings').find('[name="add_date"]').val() + '"> Overtime: <input type="checkbox" name="add_overtime_hours[' + rownumhours + ']" size="1" value="' +
$(obj).closest('span.headings').find('[name="add_overtime_hours"]').val() + '"' + Overtime: <input type="checkbox" name="add_overtime_hours[' + rownumhours + ']" size="1" value="' +
(($(obj).closest('span.headings').find('[name="add_overtime_hours"]').is(':checked')) ? 'checked' : '1') +
$(obj).closest('span.headings').find('[name="add_overtime_hours"]').val() + '"> <input type="button" value="Remove" onclick="removeRow(' +
rownumhours + ');"></p>';
function removeRow(rnum) {
jQuery('#rownumhours' + rnum).remove();
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