let redundantArray = ["a", "r", "r", "a", "y"]
converted to distint Array using Set
let distinctArray = Array(Set(redundantArray))
distinctArray is displayed in UITableView
2nd section
with selected checkboxes
If user unchecked any element then new array should be created with selected remaining elements. Suppose If I unchecked "r"
element then new array with remaining elements should be created i.e., let newArray = ["a", "a", "y"]
from redundantArray
My question is how to create new array with remaining selected checkboxes elements?
My code :
var preferedIndexPaths:[NSIndexPath] = []
To select all checkboxes, below code used -
for row in 0..<distinctArray.count {
self.preferedIndexPaths.append(NSIndexPath(forRow: row, inSection:2))
if user select checkbox ( UIButton
action ) then
self.preferedIndexPaths = self.preferedIndexPaths.filter(){$0 != indexPath}
if self.preferedIndexPaths.count > 0 {
for indexPath in self.preferedIndexPaths {
let tempElement = distinctArray[indexPath.row]
let tempArr = redundantArray?.filter({
$0 == tempElement
for tempElement2 in tempArr {
When I tested my application in simulator from ascending order then its work fine but when I do same in descending order then elements are getting incremented.
What am I doing wrong? How to deal with this?
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