in my journey of learning ASP.NET MVC I encounterd another difficulty:
I'm trying to POST a form with 3 checkboxes, the checkboxes are looped onto the form according to a bound PresentationModel.
I don't know what to fill in at the "asp-for" tag-helpers for the checkboxes in the view so they pass a boolean to the "Create()" ActionResult in the controller and to show the values in the "Overview" View.
Currently it passes NULL for al of them, the other aproaches I tried always resulted in an "InvalidCastException" as it has to be a boolean not an "int[]".
PresentationModel (PMRegistration.cs)
public class PMRegistration
public List<Device> Devices { get; set; }
View (Index.cshtml)
@model Week3_oef2_ITPro.PresentationModel.PMRegistration
<form asp-controller="Register" asp-action="Create" method="post">
<td>Are you wearing any dangerous accessoires</td>
@foreach (var item in Model.Devices)
<td class="form-group">
<input type="checkbox" asp-for="@item.CheckState" value="@item.Id" class="form-control" />
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" />
Model (Device.cs)
public class Device
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool CheckState { get; set; }
Model (Data.cs, the Device objects get initialized here)
private static List<Device> devices = new List<Device>();
static Data()
devices.Add(new Device() { Id = 1, Name = "Laptop" });
devices.Add(new Device() { Id = 2, Name = "Tablet" });
devices.Add(new Device() { Id = 3, Name = "Apple Watch" });
public static List<Device> GetDevices()
return devices;
Controller (RegisterController.cs)
public class RegisterController : Controller
// GET: /<controller>/
public IActionResult Index()
PMRegistration pm = new PMRegistration();
pm.Devices = Data.GetDevices();
return View(pm);
public ActionResult Create(PMRegistration pm)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return View("Overview", pm);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
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