mercredi 19 avril 2017

Angularjs change checkbox value according to server response

I have two groups of checkboxes where users choose their options and save it to the database as a string (is there a better option?).

Is it possible the get this string response back from the server and set each value back to the corresponding checkbox to keep it checked?

<form class="list">

    <ion-toggle toggle-class="toggle-balanced" ng-model="data.turnOnOff" ng-true-value="'On'" ng-false-value="'Off'" ng-change="data.showConfirm(data.turnOnOff)">Databases</ion-toggle>
    <div class="spacer" style="height: 10px;"></div>

    <ion-list ng-show="bd">
        <ion-checkbox ng-repeat="(key, value) in db" ng-model=value.checked ng-change="checka()"></ion-checkbox>
    <div class="spacer" style="height: 10px;"></div>

    <ion-toggle toggle-class="toggle-balanced" ng-model="data.escritorio" ng-true-value="'On'" ng-false-value="'Off'" ng-change="data.openEscritorio(data.escritorio)">Office</ion-toggle>
    <div class="spacer" style="height: 10px;"></div>

    <ion-list ng-show="officee">
        <ion-checkbox ng-repeat="(key, value) in office" ng-model=value.checked></ion-checkbox>
    <div class="spacer" style="height: 10px;"></div>
<div class="spacer" style="height: 10px;"></div>
<button style="color:#FFFFFF;" class="button button-balanced button-block" ng-click="insert()">Ok</button>


var id = localStorage.getItem("id");
var checkedData = [];

$scope.db = [
    {text:'Firebird', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'MongoDB', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'mSQL', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'MySQL', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Oracle', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'PostgreSQL', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'TinySQL', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'SQLite', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'SQL Server', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Sybase', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Outros', checked:'false'}

$ = [
    {text:'Microsoft Access', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Microsoft Excel', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Microsoft Outlook', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Microsoft PowerPoint', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Microsoft Word', checked:'false'}, 
    {text:'Open Office', checked:'false'}

$ = 'Off';
$ = function(val){
    if(val === 'On'){
        $ = true;
        $ = false;

$ = 'Off';
$ = function(val){
    if(val === 'On'){
        $scope.officee = true;
        $scope.officee = false;

$scope.insert = function(){

        content: 'Loading',
        animation: 'fade-in',
        showBackdrop: true,
        maxWidth: 200,
        showDelay: 0

    angular.forEach($scope.db, function(key, value){
        if(key.checked == true){
            checkedData += key.text + ', ';
            console.log("database "+checkedData);

    angular.forEach($, function(key, value){
        if(key.checked == true){
            checkedData += key.text + ', ';
            console.log("databases "+checkedData);   

    checkedData = checkedData.substring(0, checkedData.length - 2);
    console.log("result: "+checkedData);

    InformaticaFac.getData(checkedData, id).then(function(response){


        if( === "\"Error\""){


            checkedData =[0].DATABASERESP;

    }, function(response){



        }, 2000); 


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