mardi 4 avril 2017

Update a Listview column when checkbox is checked

I want to update a Column in a listview when the checkbox is checked in the same row. Checkbox is a part of a row.


Check Box:

<CheckBox Tag="{Binding ID}" Checked="chbAccount_checked" Unchecked="chbAccount_Unchecked"/>

Text block in the column that needed to be updated:

 <TextBlock Text="{Binding MyColumnValue }" />

Code Behind:

private void chbAccount_checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    CheckBox chb = sender as CheckBox;
    int Id= Convert.ToInt16(chb.Tag);
    myListView.ItemsSource = ViewModel.Accounts;


public void UpdateColumnValue(int Id)
    foreach(var a in Accounts)
        if(a.ID == Id)
            a.MyColumnValue = "Yes";

Account list is updating but the list view doesn't show the Modified values in the column. I have tried refreshing listview by listview.item.refresh(). Didn't work.

Please help. Thank you!

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