mardi 18 juillet 2017

How to get values from unchecked checkboxes in GWT?

I am developing a GWT app where I use CheckBoxListView. This is a piece of code which I am using to build check boxes:

list = new ArrayList<GwtRole>();

            RpcProxy<ListLoadResult<GwtRole>> roleUserProxy = new RpcProxy<ListLoadResult<GwtRole>>() {

                protected void load(Object loadConfig, AsyncCallback<ListLoadResult<GwtRole>> callback) {

            BaseListLoader<ListLoadResult<GwtRole>> roleLoader = new BaseListLoader<ListLoadResult<GwtRole>>(roleUserProxy);
            ListStore<GwtRole> roleStore = new ListStore<GwtRole>(roleLoader);

          aa = new CheckBoxListView<GwtRole>(){
               protected GwtRole prepareData(GwtRole model) {
                   String name  = model.getName();
                   model.set("name", name);
                   return model;


And this is piece of code where I am collecting checked values from check boxes:

list =  aa.getChecked();

But I need values that are NOT checked in check boxes also. Could someone helps me to see how I could do that?

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