mercredi 19 juillet 2017

Select/deselect checkboxes from all pages using Angular

i new in Angular and want to select or deselect all chexboxes from all pages. Now it's so that i have a master checkbox but it select and deselect only the current displayed page. I want to add a link(an option) which could help me by clicking on it one time to choose all checkboxes from the first to the last pages.

html look like:

<span ng-click="selectAll()" style="cursor: pointer;">
    <span class="xxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx xx-xx"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;select/deselect all

i just think about how i can implement my function selectAll() to get all items of all my pages.

$scope.selectAll = function () {/* some code */};

what is the best way to achiev this? Any suggestion will be welcome, thanks

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