I used a checkbox in my Shiny app that didn't work (couldn't update).
I tried to reach the root of the problem, and found that it appeared when I wrote the second "renderUi" function in my code (output$secondSelectionVarIllu, the 2nd function in the server) : when I delete it, the checkbox works.
Does anyone know why ?
What is the problem in my code ?
PS : I use renderUi because if I write the sliderInput in the ui, I don't achieve to include "input$choix_var" in the parameters. If there is another solution for that, it could also delete the problem, even if I'd like to understand this matter of checkbox !
PS2 : it isn't a problem of data, the only thing that doesn't work is the TRUE/FALSE option of the checkbox
Thank you very much !
# Define UI ----
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput(inputId = "choix_var",label="Variables utilisées pour la construction des axes :",
checkboxInput(inputId = "aff_histo_vp","Affichage de l'histogramme des valeurs propres",TRUE)
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.aff_histo_vp",
# Define server ----
server <- function(input, output) {
output$secondSelectionNbAxes <- renderUI({
sliderInput(inputId = "nb_axes",label="Choix du nombre de composantes principales :",
output$secondSelectionVarIllu <- renderUI({
conditionalPanel(condition="length(input$choix_var) < nb_var",
selectInput(inputId = "choix_var_illu",label="Variables illustratives :",
choices=names(data_acp_cr)[which(!names(data_acp_cr) %in% names(data_acp_cr[,which(names(data_acp_cr) %in% input$choix_var)]))],multiple=T))
output$histo_vp <- renderPlot({
acp <- dudi.pca(data_acp_cr[,which(names(data_acp_cr) %in% input$choix_var)],scannf = F,nf=input$nb_axes)
fviz_eig(acp,main="Histogramme des valeurs propres")
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