jeudi 21 décembre 2017

Multiple checkboxes with same id but only one works

So my idea is that when i check the checkbox every div named .picpic fades out(except the filtered ones) and when i uncheck they fade back in. The problem is that this jQuery code works only on the first checkbox. Thank you for your ideas.


      <input type="checkbox" id="selectedv" value="a1"/> a1 </label>

      <input type="checkbox" id="selectedv" value="a2" /> a2 </label>

      <input type="checkbox" id="selectedv" value="a3" /> a3 </label>



If checkbox is checked every .picpic div fades out except the filtered ones and when unchecked they fade back in.

if(document.getElementById('selectedv').checked) {
} else {

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