I am trying to create a switcher (checkbox). When checkbox is selected a select is shown otherwise its hidden. Show/hide of dropdown based on switcher works ok. Now i need to do when i disable a switcher, for select to go to default option (selected option). So indexof(0) bassicly. I have tried number of options and also tried it online on http://jsfiddle.net and there all works fine but in my code it doesnt. Its selects the correct value, i can see that when i click dropdown the value is selecter (marked blue, css): here is the image for example when i setted
okpSelect.selectedIndex = 3;
My switcher (checkbox):
<label class="toggle-inline">
<input class="toggle-custom" id="okpswitch" name="input-group-toggle" value="toggle-1" type="checkbox" checked>test1
My select dropdown
<div style="display: block" id="selectOKP">
<select class="form-control select-filter" data-minimum-results-for-search="Infinity" id="prijava_okp">
<option value="" selected>Online klinični primeri </option>
So first i tried setting it to 0 when i hide the div. Here is the code: Attempt01:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#okpswitch').change(function () {
var okpSelect = document.getElementById('prijava_okp');
if (!this.checked){
// ^
okpSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
else {
okpSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
Funny part here is that when i disable/enable the checkbox the correct value is selected (it is marked with my color blue), but the text in my dropdown/select doesnt change? I cannot figure it out why.
Attempt02, i also tried with this function, same result. The correct value is selected but text in box its still the same.
<!-- <script language="javascript">
var okpCheckbox = document.getElementById('okpswitch');
var okpSelect = document.getElementById('prijava_okp');
okpCheckbox.addEventListener("click", function(e){
if (this.checked){
okpSelect.disabled = false;
} else {
okpSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
okpSelect.disabled = true;
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