lundi 5 mars 2018

Edit input name when chceckbox clicked

i try to edit name field in specific input. I need this to get all the variables from this site and add the to my invoice script. I have two divs with client select and service select HTML:

     <div class="service-select">
        $query = "SELECT id,service_name,quantity,net_price,gross_value FROM service";

        if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) {
            while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
      <div class='single-service-<?php echo $row["id"]; ?>'>
        <input type='checkbox' name=''>
        <input type="text" name="service_name" class='name' value="<?php echo $row["service_name"]; ?>" placeholder='NAZWA USŁUGI' disabled/>
        <label>Ilość:</label><input type="number" name="quantity" value="<?php echo $row["quantity"]; ?>" placeholder='ILOŚĆ' disabled/>
        <label>Cena netto:</label><input type="number" name="net_price" value="<?php echo $row["net_price"]; ?>" placeholder='CENA NETTO' disabled/>

    var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='checkbox']");

    for(var i=0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
      checkboxes[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
        var div = this.parentNode;
        var name_input = div.getElementsByClassName("name");
        var name =;
        var parent_div = div.parentNode;
        var x = div.childNodes;
        if (parent_div.className == 'service-select') {
          if ( != 'service_chcecked[]') {
   = 'service_chcecked[]';
          else {
   = 'service_name';
        else {
          if (name != 'client_chcecked[]') {
   = ['client_chcecked[]'];
          else {
   = ['client_name'];
        for(y=0; y < x.length; y++) {
          if(x[y].type === "number" || x[y].type === "text") {
            x[y].disabled = !x[y].disabled;
      }, false);

My problem is that currently the given name is added to the div :/

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