lundi 12 mars 2018

Passing variable based on checkbox to php script upon pressuing submit button

I have the following html code in which I am trying to define a variable days and pass it off to an php based code upon pressing submit. Below is a snippet of my code for the html:


var days="fiveday";
function forecast_parm() {
    var x = document.getElementById("myCheck").checked;
    var  output = document.getElementById("myCheck").value;
    if (!x){
        output = "fiveday";
    document.getElementById("days").innerHTML = output;

    <form action=\"check_proc.php\" method=\"get\" target=\"_blank\">
        Checkbox: <input type="checkbox" id="myCheck" value="tenday" onchange="forecast_parm()">
        <p>Click the "Try it" button to display the value of the value attribute of the checkbox.</p>
        <p id="days"></p>
        <center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Create Process\"></center>

Upon clicking on the submit button I would like to have the variable days be passed off to the php script check_proc.php. Here is a snippet of that php script:

    $days = $_GET['days'];
    echo "<br>Day is $days</br>";

There are other processes that will use the variable days. Do you know how to tweak either the initial html code or the php script check_proc.php to get the desired results? That is that upon submit I should have displayed on the web browser "Day is tenday" if the box is checked and "Day is fiveday" if the box is not checked in the initial html page.

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