vendredi 9 mars 2018

Powershell Checkbox dot scripting

I have a checkbox in a separate script and using dot scripting to add the box into the form. But when I return the checkbox back to the original script it does not pick up the checked state, it just stays as unchecked even if it is.

                    $checkBox = formCheckBox -checkLocW 30 -checkLocH 220 -checkSizeW 20 -checkSizeH 20 -checkText "Tick this"

#---------- When OK Pressed ----------#

if($form.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK){

    Write-Host $password.Text

    $setAccountName = $accountName.Text
    $setSite = $site.Text
    $setPassword = $password.text
    Write-Host $checkBox.CheckState

--------------- dot script -------------------------------------------------

function formCheckBox($checkLocW,$checkLocH,$checkSizeW,$checkSizeH,$checkText){
    $Checkbox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Checkbox 
    $Checkbox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($checkLocW,$checkLocH) 
    $Checkbox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($checkSizeW,$checkSizeH)
    $Checkbox.Text = $checkText
    $Checkbox.TabIndex = 4
    return $Checkbox

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