I've created a listbox that displays a checked grade and selected credit plus is respective GPA. Each row of listbox items calculates the cumulative GPA. For instance, the listbox shows:
- A - 1 4.000
- C - 1 3.000
- D - 3 1.800
If I remove the last item, the cumulative GPA will be 3.000. However, if I remove the 2nd item, the GPA should be 2.500. However, it isn't how it should be when I tested my code.
These are the codes that I used:
//global declarations
List<double> allGrades = new List<double>();
List<double> allHours = new List<double>();
List<double> allGPA = new List<double>();
List<int> gradeValue = new List<int>();
private RadioButton currentRadioButton;
Dictionary<char, double> gradeValuesMap;
public string StudentName { get; set; }
public DataEntry()//switch back to pass value: string input
gradeValuesMap = new Dictionary<char, double>();
gradeValuesMap.Add('A', 4.0);
gradeValuesMap.Add('B', 3.0);
gradeValuesMap.Add('C', 2.0);
gradeValuesMap.Add('D', 1.0);
gradeValuesMap.Add('F', 0.0);
enter code here
private void btnEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
/*if grades and credits are not selected, Error Message:
* MessageBox.Show("A grade must be selected.");
* MessageBox.Show("Credit hours must be selected.");
if (!(radA.Checked || radB.Checked || radC.Checked ||
radD.Checked || radF.Checked))
MessageBox.Show("A grade must be selected.");
if (cboCreditHrs.SelectedIndex == -1)//if" no credit is selected
MessageBox.Show("Credit hours must be selected.");
// do gpa math here
// sum(grades * credits) / sum(credits)
var grade = getGradeValue(currentRadioButton.Text);
var credit = Convert.ToDouble(cboCreditHrs.SelectedItem.ToString());
// sum(4 * 4) / sum(4)
var result = (grade * credit) / credit; //GPA calculation
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < allGrades.Count; i++)
sum += allGrades[i] * allHours[i];
result = (sum)/ allHours.Sum();
string listboxItem = string.Format("{0}-{1} {2}", currentRadioButton.Text, cboCreditHrs.SelectedItem, result.ToString("n3"));
// uncheck the currently checked radio button
currentRadioButton.Checked = false;
// reset the combox selection
cboCreditHrs.SelectedIndex = -1;
To remove the selected item. I used the following Even Handler:
private void btnRmvSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
///*foreach (DataEntry i in lstDetail.*/SelectedItems)
for (int i = 0; i < lstDetail.SelectedItems.Count; i++)
Most likely, my code above is missing something. Thus why the expected result is incorrect. Can anyone correct my code?
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