mardi 9 octobre 2018

Getting syntax error while managing the check boxes dynamically using PHP

I need to manage the check box input dynamically using php but it could not happen as expected. I am explaining my code below.

<div class="checkboxdiv">
                <input type="checkbox" id="carsval" value="1" name="carsval" <?php if($isCar==1){echo 'checked="checked"'} ?>>
                <label for="carsval">Cars</label>
                <div class="Clear"></div>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" id="carsprice" value="<?php echo $car_price; ?>"> name="carsprice" <?php if($isCar==1){echo 'style="display:block;"'}else{echo 'style="display:none;"'} ?>>

Here My requirement is if $isCar value is 1 then that check box will be checked and the the text box will be displayed with the required price and if it is 0 the text box will not viewed and the check box will remain unchecked. But in my case its not happening like this. Please help me to resolve this issue.

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