vendredi 22 février 2019

Why is the ag-grid checkbox behaving like this

I am using ag-grid checkbox selection with angular 6 to show some data in the popup.So it makes sense that the row gets selected on clicking the checkbox .However in my case , simply clicking on a column value is also causing the checkbox to be selected .The following is a screenshot of my problem.Image of my issue

The html code that i am using for my ag-grid is given below






my grid definition is give below , which i have initialized in ngOnInit function.

this.ColumnDefs=[ {"checkboxSelection":true,"headerName":"Intf","field":"outboundName",sortingOrder: ['asc','desc', 'null'],width:90,cellStyle:{'text-align': "left"}},
{"headerName":"Comp","field":"success_no",sortingOrder: ['asc','desc', 'null'],width:75,cellStyle:{'text-align': "left"}},
{"headerName":"Fail","field":"fail_no",sortingOrder: ['asc','desc', 'null'],width:75,cellStyle:{'text-align': "left"}},
{"headerName":"Exec","field":"running_no",sortingOrder: ['asc','desc', 'null'],width:75,cellStyle:{'text-align': "left"}},

{"headerName":"Total","field":"total",sortingOrder: ['asc','desc', 'null'],width:75,cellStyle:{'text-align': "left"}}]

So please help me in understanding what's happening?

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