I have created a list of checkboxes. When i click on a checkbox the values of all the checkboxes pass through the function instead of the checked one.
def vendorData(self, recs, rowide):
self.chkVendorValue = "vendor"+rowide
self.refEntryText = "ref" + rowide
self.titleEntryText = "title" + rowide
self.isbnEntryText = "isbn" + rowide
self.qtyEntryText = "qty" + rowide
currpoinfo = str(recs[4]) + "_" + str(recs[1])
self.arrSelect[self.arrMatrixHead[self.i]] = Checkbutton(self.InsideFrame, variable=self.chkVendorValue, onvalue=1,
offvalue=0, font=config.allLabels(), justify=LEFT, command = self.chkSelected(currpoinfo))
self.arrSelect[self.arrMatrixHead[self.i]].place(x=config.xrow, y=config.ycol, width=20, height=25)
#---------------------------Description Module------------------------------- def chkSelected(self, porefid): #print("chkvalue: ", self.chkVendorValue)
print("porefid", porefid)
if porefid != "0" and porefid != "":
poinfo = porefid.split("_",2)
chkvalue: vendorrow0 porefid 2_9780306407062 chkvalue: vendorrow1 porefid 2_9781552096246 chkvalue: vendorrow2 porefid 1_9781849733816 I wanted only one pair of values instead of 3.
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