I have created a set of checkbox using renderUI and checkboxGroupInput. Here the result:
What I would like to obtain now is something like this:
Where only the top results are shown with the possibility to expand the checkbox list.
Any suggestion on how to obtain this?
The code for the checkbox is the following:
my_checkboxGroupInput <- function(variable, label,choices, selected, colors,perc){
my_names <- choices
log_funct("my_names",my_names, verbose=T)
if(length(names(choices))>0) my_names <- names(choices)
log_funct("names(my_names)",my_names, verbose=T)
log_funct("choices",choices, verbose=T)
log_funct("selected",selected, verbose=T)
div(id=variable,class="form-group shiny-input-checkboxgroup shiny-input-container shiny-bound-input",
HTML(paste0('<label class="control-label" for="',variable,'">',label,'</label>')),
div( class="shiny-options-group",
HTML(paste0('<div class="checkbox">',
'<label style="width: 100%">',
'<input type="checkbox" name="', variable,
'" value="', choices,
'"', ifelse(choices %in% selected, 'checked="checked"', ''),
#'<span ', ifelse(choices %in% selected, paste0('style=" background-color:',colors ,'; display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; width: ',perc, '%;"'),''), '>',my_names,'</span>',
'<span ', paste0('style=" background-color:',colors ,'; display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; width: ',perc, '%;"'),'>',my_names,'</span>',
'</div>', collapse = " "))
output$checkbox_cond <- renderUI({
my_checkboxGroupInput("variable", "Variable:",choices = cond_plot()$Var1,
perc= cond_plot()$perc)
The code is a modified version of the one in: how to make the checkboxgroupinput color-coded in Shiny
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