I have three checkboxes and one input. Additionally I have one formsArray and one formGroup. I would like to validate the checkboxes so that:
- Only one checkbox can be checked at a time.
- The input is disabled once that checkbox has been checked.
- The two other checkboxes are disabled while one is checked.
Now I have worked with angular before. But the reactive forms module is very difficult to master, such that small features like this one are so difficult to figure out - the angular way.
I have tried to get the formsArray values from valueChanges and pass it down to a custom method that checks that there is one true value in that array then locks the input. But this is messy and non angular.
I would like to be able to call
on my input, do things the - angular way.
searchForm: FormGroup;
artist: FormControl = new FormControl({value: false, disabled:
track = new FormControl({value: false, disabled: false});
album = new FormControl({value: false, disabled: false});
searchInput: FormControl;
formArray: FormArray;
lockInput: boolean = true;
constructor(private searchService: SearchService, private _fb:
FormBuilder) {
this.formArray = new FormArray([
this.searchForm = _fb.group({
checkboxValues: this.formArray,
searchInput: null
ngOnInit() {
(<FormArray>this.searchForm.get('checkboxValues')).valueChanges.subscr ibe(
res => this.validateCheckboxes(res)
validateCheckboxes(controls) : void {
const lock = controls.find(el => {
return !el;
return this.lockInput = lock;
<mat-checkbox class="example-margin" [formControl]="artist">Artist</mat-checkbox>
<mat-checkbox class="example-margin" [formControl]="album">Album</mat-checkbox>
<mat-checkbox class="example-margin" [formControl]="track">Track</mat-checkbox>
<mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
<input matInput placeholder="Type album, artist or track..." type="text" [disabled]="lockInput" [matAutocomplete]="auto">
Input should be disabled until one checkbox is checked. Once one is checked input should enable. If unchecked again it input should disable again, small but rich feature.
I want to harness the power of the reactive forms module and keep things tight.
Please help!
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