mardi 24 septembre 2019

Why Checkbox animation doesn't show in Flutter?

I used Checkbox to update some data. The sharing data method is Consumer<T>. The problem is that Checkbox can work ok on changing state, but the checking animation is missing. I have located the problem, if I used notifyListeners()to notify the Data changed, then the animation of Checkbox is missing.

The Widget code just like below:

bool _value = false;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // TODO: implement build
    return Row(
      children: <Widget>[
          value: _value,
          onChanged: (value) {
            setState(() {
              _value = value;
              widget.updateEnergy(); //The problem is Here!!!!!

          style: TextStyle(color:,
              fontSize: 13, fontWeight: FontWeight.w300),



If I used the widget.updateEnergy(); to update the data in onChanged(), the animation is missing. The updateEnergy() as below:

void updateCurrentEnergy(){
    _currentEnergyCount.setValue(_getCurrentEnergyCount(), _dailyTargetEnergy.unit);


The key is "notifyListeners()", if removed the invoke, the animation is return.

I hope your help, how can get the animation of checkbox. Thank you!

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