vendredi 1 novembre 2019

Fill Edit form Checkbox with data from API - Angular

I cant seem to find a proper example of how to fill a checkbox with values from an API when a form is in edit mode.

I have a service that fetches roles data from an API. Each role can have multiple permissions like edit-user, create-user, create-product, edit-product, etc. I want a form where a user can edit these role permissions using checkboxes. I have tried using patchValue as shown below but it doesnt respond to anything so far.

  rolePermissionList = [];

  setupForm() {

    this.roleForm ={
      role_name: ["", Validators.required],
      description: [""],
      status: [""],
      permissions: this.fb.array([]),
    }, {updateOn: 'change'});


I have two services: one that returns the entire permissions list, and the other that returns permissions assigned to the current role. I want a way to check only permissions assigned to the current role being edited. These are the functions that fetch all permissions and rolepermissions:

// get permissions list

getPermissions() {



        data => {

          console.log("permissions === ", data);

          this.permissionList = data;


        error => console.log(error));


  // get role permissions
  getRolePermissions(role_id?:any) {

    // if role_id is supplied
    let params = new HttpParams();
    if (role_id) {
      params=params.set('role_id', role_id.toString());

        data => {

          // store fetched data
          this.rolePermissionList = data;

          // extract permission name from returned array
          var arrayOfPerms = {

          // patch data
          this.roleForm.pastchValue('permissions', arrayOfPerms);

        error => {




The front end:


<div class="row" *ngIf="permissionList; else loading">

   <div *ngFor="let permission of permissionList; let i=index" class="col-md-6">

      <div class="custom-control custom-checkbox mr-sm-2 m-b-15">
         <input type="checkbox"

       <label class="custom-control-label" for="checkbox-"></label>




Any help will be greatly appreciated?

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