I have a component that I am writing that handles the days and hours of the week.The main component that passes in a state of time to the sub component "UpdateHours" passes in the days of the week in an object, all the days are set to a default of true. So all the Check boxes are all checked by default. When I click on the day, the object is updated to false on my console but the check box remains checked even when the value is set to false. A curious part, when I click my button on the page that updates the backend the boxes I checked false become unchecked.
// The object being passed through from the parent component
function handleAddNewHour() {
var uid = generateUUID();
var newHour = {
mon: true,
tue: true,
wed: true,
thu: true,
fri: true,
sat: true,
sun: true,
start: 0,
end: 0,
service_type: "all",
id: uid
{time != null ? (<UpdateHour time={time} setTimeChange={handleTimeUpdate}/>) : ( "" )}
// The element on UpdateHours.js
<div className="newHoursDay" onClick={() => handleDayChange("mon")}>
onChange={() => handleDayChange("mon")}
// Here are the functions
function handleDayChange(day) {
let hourData = props.time;
hourData[day] = !props.time[day];
function handleServiceChange(serviceType) {
props.time[serviceType] = serviceTypes;
//This function calls my function that updates the firestore database with the new object
function handleSave() {
var hoursData = {
hours: {}
if (typeof store.hours !== "undefined") {
hoursData.hours = store.hours;
hoursData.hours[props.time.id] = {};
Object.keys(props.time).forEach(prop => {
if (prop === "id") {
hoursData.hours[props.time.id][prop] = props.time[prop];
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