I'm trying to limit base input checkbox
In the code, the limit is informed in ( this.bases.length === 2 ) is work but after the function work I can't update the checkbox
I tried the code but did not works.
<div class="form-group row line">
<div class="p-field-checkbox col-lg-6" *ngFor="let base of listBases">
<p-checkbox name="group1" value="base" [value]="base" [(ngModel)]="bases (change)="functionBase($event)" [disabled]="checked" inputId="sv" ></p-checkbox>
<label for="sv"></label>
TS :
public checked: boolean = false
public numberOfBase: number = 0
public totalOfBase: number = 0
public bases: string[] = []
public listBases = ['Salade verte','Pate', 'Riz', 'Sans base']
if (e.target.checked === true){
this.numberOfBase ++
if (this.bases.length === 2){
this.checked = true
} else {
this.checked = false
} else {
this.numberOfBase --
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