samedi 19 février 2022

Google Sheets consecutive rows when multiple checkboxes are ticked

I am looking for help with this sheet. I have some item names and images next to those. They belong together.

Whenever I tick the first checkbox in the item sheet, I want the item name and the image to be displayed in Sheet 2. I have managed to do that with the formula in A1 for the image


and for the item name formula in B1 I used

=iferror(QUERY(Items!B4:F15,"select B where D=True"),"") .

My problem is:

When I tick the first checkbox of any item, the item gets normally displayed in Sheet2 with the belonging image. When I tick the second checkbox for that same item (x2), I want the same item to be displayed right again in the second row in Sheet2 with the belonging image again. If I tick the third checkbox, I want it to be displayed three times basically below each other with the belonging image.

Is that possible without scripts?

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