I've run into a Selenium element not interactable problem that I cannot seem to solve. The page is an Angular page, if that's relevant. The element is a checkbox, with a label (among other things).
The markup in question (of course, part of a larger page - and I've removed some irrelevant styling data etc.):
<div class="hb-grid hb-grid--gapSM">
<div data-e2e-selector="saksjournal-checkbox-style" style="visibility: visible;">
<input type="checkbox" data-e2e-selector="saksjournal-checkbox" id="erArkivert-0">
<div class="hb-label">
<label data-e2e-selector="saksjournal-checkbox-lbl" for="erArkivert-0" aria-describedby="journalPostArkiverStatus-0"></label>
<div class="hb-cell" id="journalPostArkiverStatus-0">
<div class="haster ng-star-inserted">
<div class="ng-star-inserted">Ikke arkivert</div>
<div class="ng-star-inserted">
<a href="#" id="lastNedArkivStatus2" class="hb-tekst--s">Last ned journalpost</a> og kryss av når du har arkivert manuelt
After simplyfying the Java/Selenium code for troubleshooting, this is what I've tried to be able to click the checkbox:
Also, of course, the ID for the last element (which shouldn't make any difference).
All these result in "element not interactable". Before, I used to be able to work around this thing by doing exactly what I'm doing above - clicking the instead of the checkbox element. But this doesn't work anymore.
Any ideas?
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