vendredi 23 décembre 2022

Intersect lists of different functions only in relation to the selection of the checkboxes. Error with bool for set objects

I have a problem with 3 checkboxes intersecting when using list in checkbox functions. I would like to use intersection in relation to the quantity and combination of selected checkboxes.

I tried to insert the checkbox functions in a list and combine them with a condition if the checkboxes are only selected or deselected:

all_test = [(Button1_func()) if Checkbutton1.get() else not Checkbutton1.get(),
            (Button2_func()) if Checkbutton2.get() else not Checkbutton2.get(),
            (Button3_func()) if Checkbutton3.get() else not Checkbutton3.get()]

Next, I put the list in c = set.intersection(*all_test)

If I try to select one or more checkboxes, I get the error:

TypeError: descriptor 'intersection' for 'set' objects doesn't apply to a 'bool' object

Let me explain better with an example what I would like to achieve. For example if I select only checkbox1 I would like to print a, b, c, d, e. If I select all the checkboxes I would like to print only a, b, because the elements in common in the three lists are only a, b. How can I print what I said above without getting errors?

I'm looking for a solution that allows me to manage even 20 checkboxes if I need to extend the code in the future.

from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

funclist = set()
Checkbutton1 = tk.IntVar()
Checkbutton2 = tk.IntVar()
Checkbutton3 = tk.IntVar()

def Button1_func():
    test1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
    return test1
def Button2_func():
    test2 = ["a", "b", "c"]
    return test2

def Button3_func():
    test3 = ["a", "b"]
    return test3

def clicked(flag, func):
    if flag:

Button1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text = "Checkbox 1", variable = Checkbutton1, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height = 1,
                         bg="#d9d9d9", foreground='black', activebackground="#d9d9d9",
                         command=lambda: clicked(Checkbutton1.get(), Button1_func)), y=36)

Button2 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text = "Checkbox 2", variable = Checkbutton2, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height = 1,
                         bg="#d9d9d9", foreground='black', activebackground="#d9d9d9",
                         command=lambda: clicked(Checkbutton2.get(), Button2_func)), y=66)

Button3 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text = "Checkbox 3", variable = Checkbutton3, onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, height = 1,
                         bg="#d9d9d9", foreground='black', activebackground="#d9d9d9",
                         command=lambda: clicked(Checkbutton3.get(), Button3_func)), y=96)

all_test = [(Button1_func()) if Checkbutton1.get() else not Checkbutton1.get(),
            (Button2_func()) if Checkbutton2.get() else not Checkbutton2.get(),
            (Button3_func()) if Checkbutton3.get() else not Checkbutton3.get()]

def try_print():
    #if each checkbox is True:
    if funclist and all(func() for func in funclist): 
        c = set.intersection(*all_test)      

button = tk.Button(root, text="Print", command= lambda: [try_print()]), y=140)


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