mardi 14 février 2023

Textfield becomes not visible or invisible after checking a specific option in my checkbox in PowerApps. What do I need to correct?

It is not working ;(. Let me write it down like this

The checkbox name is: Categories Checkbox This checkbox has 4 options you can check: "clients", "employees", "consumers", "other"

I have a TextInput1 which I only want it to be visible if the option "Other" from the checkbox "Categories Checkbox" is checked.

This is why I am using this formula but it is not working : If('Categories Checkbox'.Value = "other",true,false)

What do I need to correct? Can somebody please write me down the correct formula?

I tried to change the name of my checkbox, I also tried to make the first letter a capital letter of "Other" instead of "other" I also changed the Value in the formula to text I also changed the textfield,which was text area to Single line of text in the Dataverse Table. But still if I check or uncheck "other" then the textfield does not appear.

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