mercredi 15 novembre 2023

Selection of checkbox and send items to email

I have an issue with sending email using VBA. So I have checkboxes and items in the sheet and I want to send items to email when the checkboxes are selected. If not selected, then do nothing. I have this error that says 'Subscript out of range'. Im not sure how to fix. This is the image of the spreadsheet that Im testing on and here's my code:

Private Sub sendEmail(arrType, arrItem, arrQuantity, arrUnit)

    Dim i      As Integer
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application"
    Dim ws     As Worksheet
    Dim strSubject As String
    Dim strBody As String
    Dim strType As String
    Dim strItem As String
    Dim strQuantity As String
    Dim strUnit As String
    Dim strTable As String
    Dim strHTML As String
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
    strSubject = "Testing"
    strBody = "<html>"
    strBody = strBody & "Please see the order details below for your reference:<br><br>"
    strTable = "<br><table border = 2><tbody>"
    strTable = strTable & "<tr>"
    strTable = strTable & "<th align = center> Type</th>"
    strTable = strTable & "<th align = center> Item</th>"
    strTable = strTable & "<th align = center> Quantity</th>"
    strTable = strTable & "<th align = center> unit</th>"
    strTable = strTable & "<tr/>"
    For i = 4 To UBound(arrType)
        strType = arrType(i)
        strItem = arrItem(i)
        strQuantity = arrQuantity(i)
        strUnit = arrUnit(i)
        strTable = strTable & "<tr><td>" & strType & "</td>"
        strTable = strTable & "<td>" & strItem & "</td>"
        strTable = strTable & "<td>" & strQuantity & "</td>"
        strTable = strTable & "<td>" & strUnit & "</td></tr>"
    strTable = strTable & "</tbody></table><br>"
    strHTML = strBody & strTable & "</html>"
    If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to submit? ", vbYesNo, "Submit Confirmation") = vbYes Then
        Dim objEmail As Object
        Set objEmail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
        With objEmail
            .To = ""
            .Subject = "testing"
            .HTMLBody = strHTML
        End With
        MsgBox "Thanks for the order. Your order details are sent successfully.", vbxOKOnly, "Operation Successful"
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub itemStored(arrType, arrItem, arrQuantity, arrUnit)

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
    Dim i      As Long
    Dim cb     As CheckBox
    For Each cb In CheckBoxes
        If cb.Value = 1 Then
            arrType(i) = ws.Cells(i + 4, "I").Value
            arrItem(i) = ws.Cells(i + 4, "I").Value
            arrQuantity(i) = ws.Cells(i + 4, "I").Value
            arrUnit(i) = ws.Cells(i + 4, "I").Value
            i = i + 1
        End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbtnShow_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim arrType() As Variant
    Dim arrItem() As Variant
    Dim arrQuantity As Integer
    Dim arrUnit As String

    Call itemStored(arrType, arrItem, arrQuantity, arrUnit)
    Call sendEmail(arrType, arrItem, arrQuantity, arrUnit)
End Sub

When the checkboxes are selected, items on the left hand side will send to email. If not, noting will happen.I tried making arrType and arrItem correspond to sendEmail but still doesn't work.

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