mardi 19 décembre 2023

Oracle Apex checkbox on the interactive report

i am trying to add checkbox column on a interactive report. this is the reference that i used. it works when i click the header and choose all the rows but when i click on a row spesifically it throws an error says : "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'checked')"

here is my dynamic actions:

var cb$, checked, allRows$,
    sel$ = $("#P1_SELECTED"),
    event = this.browserEvent,
    target$ = $(,
    th$ = target$.closest("th"),
    tr$ = target$.closest("tr");

if (th$.length) {
    // the click was on the "select all"
    // checkbox or checkbox cell
    cb$ = th$.find("input");
    if (cb$.length && cb$.val() === "all") {
        checked = cb$[0].checked;
        if (target$[0].nodeName !== 'INPUT') {
            // only do this if the click was not on the checkbox
            // because the checkbox will check itself
            checked = cb$[0].checked = !checked;
        if (sel$.val() === "") {
        $("#seq_id").find("td input").each(function() {
            this.checked = checked;
            // give a visual style to the [un]selected row
            $(this).closest("tr").toggleClass("selected", checked);
            // update the hidden selected item
            sel$.val(sel$.val().replace("|" + this.value + "|", "|"));
            if (checked) {
                sel$.val(sel$.val() + this.value + "|");
} else if (tr$.length) {
    // the click was on some other data row
    cb$ = tr$.find("td").first().find("input");
    checked = cb$[0].checked;
    if (target$[0].nodeName !== 'INPUT') {
        // only do this if the click was not on the checkbox
        // because the checkbox will check itself
        checked = cb$[0].checked = !checked;
    // give a visual style to the [un]selected row
    tr$.toggleClass("selected", checked);
    // update the hidden selected item
    if (checked) {
        if (sel$.val() === "") {
        sel$.val(sel$.val() + cb$.val() + "|");
    } else {
        sel$.val(sel$.val().replace("|" + cb$.val() + "|", "|"));        
    // update the select all checkbox state
    allRows$ = $("#seq_id").find("td input");
    checked = (allRows$.length === allRows$.filter(":checked").length);
    $("#seq_id").find("th input")[0].checked = checked;

this is the after refresh script

var checked,
    allRows$ = $("#seq_id").find("td input");
checked = (allRows$.length === allRows$.filter(":checked").length);
$("#seq_id").find("th input")[0].checked = checked;

here is the error ss error

vendredi 8 décembre 2023

Formik library's checkbox is not working in Microsoft Edge but working in Chrome

I am using one checkbox using the formik library's Field component this check box is working fine in chrome but not in microsoft edge,

I have cleared the cache along with browser history and also the Microsoft edge is up to date. what do I do?

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  checkBoxSize: {
    transform: 'scale(1.4)',
  checkBoxDiv: {
    display: 'flex',
    alignItems: 'flex-end',
    marginBottom: theme.spacing(0.85),
const classes = useStyles()
   <Grid xs={1} className={classes.checkBoxDiv}>
                  title="Update in Development Timeline"

mercredi 6 décembre 2023

How to change the white tick color when using Material UI Checkbox (React, JS)

I'm trying to change the default white tick (not the checkbox background!) to some other color of my choice. I've found some solutions for when using an older version of MUI and React. I'm looking for a solution for MUI v5.14 and React v18

MUI checkbox for reference:

Found this post, but it seems not relevant for the current versions: Change the tick color in MuiCheckbox material UI

dynamic checkbox is not showing selected value in ASP.Net core Razor Pages

I have a checkbox list where the values are loaded from a database table. When the user selects particular customer, it is updating the database value to '1', but in the razor pages view the values are showing unchecked. I am not sure where i am going wrong.

Please find my code below,

AccessRights.Cs(Model Class)

public class AccessRights
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Users")]
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string ADUsername { get; set; }        
    public int CustomerId { get; set; }
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }
    public bool isSelected { get; set; }
    public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
    public DateTime? CreatedTimeStamp { get; set; }
    public string LastModifiedBy { get; set; }
    public DateTime? LastModifiedTimeStamp { get; set; }


<div class="form-group">
                <label  class="control-label"> Access To Customers</label>
                <div class="checkbox checkboxlist">
                    foreach (var customers in Model.CustomersChecked)
                        <input type="checkbox" id="@customers.Value" value="@customers.Value" name="CustomersChecked" checked="@customers.Selected" />
                        <label class="text-black">@customers.Text</label><br/>
                    //<input type="hidden" asp-for="@Model.CustomersChecked" value="@customers.Id">
                <span  class="text-danger"></span>


        public List<SelectListItem> CustomersChecked { get; set; }

        public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int? id)
            if (id == null || _context.AccessRights == null)
                return NotFound();

            var accessrights = await _context.AccessRights.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.EmployeeId == id);
            AccessRights = accessrights;
            CustomersChecked = (from p in _context.AccessRights.Where(m => m.EmployeeId == id)
                                                select new SelectListItem
                                                    Text = p.CustomerName,
                                                    Value = p.CustomerId.ToString()
            //CustomersChecked = CustomersChecked.Where()
            return Page();

        public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string[] CustomersChecked)
            List<SelectListItem> items = (from p in _context.AccessRights.Where(m => m.EmployeeId == AccessRights.EmployeeId)
                                          select new SelectListItem
                                              Text = p.CustomerName,
                                              Value = p.CustomerId.ToString()
            foreach (SelectListItem item in items)
                if (CustomersChecked.Contains(item.Value))
                    item.Selected = true;
                    item.Selected = false;
                AccessRights.LastModifiedBy = HttpContext.Session.GetString("DisplayName").Trim();
                AccessRights.LastModifiedTimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
                await _context.Database.ExecuteSqlInterpolatedAsync($"UPDATE [AccessRights] SET [isSelected] = {item.Selected}, [LastModifiedBy] = {AccessRights.LastModifiedBy}, [LastModifiedTimeStamp] = {AccessRights.LastModifiedTimeStamp} WHERE [EmployeeId] = {AccessRights.EmployeeId} AND [CustomerName] = {item.Text}");

            return RedirectToPage("./Index");

Appreciate your help! Thanks!

get value with if condition in codeigniter form checkbox [closed]

i want to get the checkbox that value 1 if checked and 0 if unchecked

heres my form.php code

<?= form_open('What/yougot') ?>
<input name="id" type="text">
<input name="method1" type="checkbox" value="valuee">
<input name="method2" type="checkbox" value="valuee">
<input name="method3" type="checkbox" value="valuee">
<input name="show" type="submit">
<?= form_close() ?>

i DO NOT know how to put it in controller but i want something like this

public function yougot (){

if (isset($_POST['show'])) {
$data = [
'id'=>$this->model_yougot->showYougot(id)->result_array(), //to select name and id based on id

if ('method1' = 'valuee'){
'metode1' => 1 } else {
'metode1' => 0 },
if ('method2' = 'valuee'){
'metode2' => 1 } else {
'metode2' => 0 },
if ('method3' = 'valuee'){
'metode3' => 1 } else {
'metode3' => 0 },




this is the model

public function showYougot($id){
return $this->db->get_where('data',['id'=>$id]);

and then in the view_yougot.php i want these variables

$id = $data['id'];
$name = $data['name'];
$metod1 = $data['metode1'];
$metod2 = $data['metode2'];
$metod3 = $data['metode3'];

and use them to show the value somewhere like

name = <?= $name; ?><br>
id =  <?= $id; ?><br>
mehhod 1 = <?= $metod1; ?><br>
mehhod 2 = <?= $metod2; ?><br>
mehhod 3 = <?= $metod3; ?>

each $metod1 $metod2 $metod3 is showing 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked

i know im doing the select name and id wrong please help me correct it too. i have looked on google and can't find tutorials. alternatives way is okay. this is my first time please kindly teach me thank you

mardi 5 décembre 2023

Blazor FluentValidation and invalid class on checkboxes

I am working with Blazor WASM and FluentValidation project. The validation works, but for checkboxes, the invalid class is not added to invalid checkboxes, when that object isnt valid.

For my radio button groups, the validation invalid class works fine, and the validation updates when you select a radio button making it valid. This is because I am binding to SelectedValues in the InputRadioGroup.

My validator has the following rule.

 RuleFor(r => r.SelectedValues).NotEmpty().NotNull().When(r => r.IsRequired).WithMessage(r => $" XXX is required.");

Then on my razor page, I have this..

<InputCheckbox class="form-check-input" @bind-Value="@x.Selected" CurrentValue="@x.Value" />

When viewing the page, the InputCheckbox has "form-check-input valid" which may not be correct. Again if I dont select anything, and click the submit button, the validation message appears, but it doesnt disappear when I check/select a checkbox making it valid, as well as the invalid css class isn't applied to the checkboxes.

Is it because I am validating SelectedValues, which in this case is a comma separated list, but the checkboxes aren't bound at all to that property? There isnt a grouping component like there is InputRadioGroup.

There may be a simple solution for this, but I havent figured it out yet.

Save multiple checkbox value to database in ASP.NET Core MVC

I am using checkboxes to save data in database. It can save only one value at a time. When multiple values are selected, it only stores the first selected value.

I have Googled my problem. Multiple solutions suggested the use of List<string> Name in Model. I tried to do so but my controller gave me error CS0029.

  • Database Table (CollectionCategories):
Id CategoryName
1 First Category
2 Second Category
... ...


  • Model:
public class PostModel
    // Code before

    public string? CollectionCategory { get; set; }
public class CollectionCategoryModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string CategoryName { get; set; }
  • ViewModel:
public class CreatePostViewModel
    // Code before
    // Category
    public string? CollectionCategory { get; set; }

    // Category List
    public List<CollectionCategoryModel>? CollectionCategoryList { get; set; }
  • Controller:
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateAsync()
    // Category List
    var CreatePostCategoryVM = new CreatePostViewModel
        CollectionCategoryList = await _context.CollectionCategories.ToListAsync()

    return View(CreatePostCategoryVM);

public async Task<IActionResult> Create(CreatePostViewModel postVM)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var post = new PostModel
            // Code before             

            // Category
            CollectionCategory = postVM.CollectionCategory,

         return RedirectToAction("Index");
        // Error
    return View(postVM);

  • View:
<div class="form-check">
    @foreach (var list in Model.CollectionCategoryList)
        <input type="checkbox" asp-for="CollectionCategory" id="@list.CategoryName" value="@list.CategoryName">
        <label asp-for="CollectionCategory" for="@list.CategoryName"> @list.CategoryName </label>



(JsonReaderException: 'S' is an invalid start of a value. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1.)

  • Controller
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
    var CardPostVM = new CardsViewModel
        PostCard = await _context.Posts.ToListAsync()

    var cached = _cache.TryGetValue("post", out var post);
    if (cached)
        return View(post);

    return View(CardPostVM);
  • ViewModel
public class CardsViewModel
    public List<PostModel>? PostCard { get; set; }
    public List<CollectionModel>? CollectionCard { get; set; }

Error Image

Thank you

lundi 4 décembre 2023

how to ask multiple selected question radio button/checkbox

There should be three checkboxes/radiobuttons. When I click on one, the others should be grayed out. For example, when I click on someone, I have to make different selections. When I click on the other, different selections. How can I do that. For example, when I click on the first radio button. There should be a file upload button at the bottom. When you click on the second radio button, there should be text for writing. How can I do this with html css?

There should be a file upload button at the bottom. When you click on the second radio button, there should be text for writing. How can I do this with html css?

How do I Write a Google Sheets Custom Conditional Format that Applies to Multiple Two-Column Sets in a Single Formula?

I want to make many columns of checklists that can be moved around without messing up the conditional formatting ranges. I know this can be done with multiple rules but if i want to move things around, I dont want the ranges to start acting up so a single rule would work best.

In Column A, there are checkboxes and the tasks in column B. There will be more checkboxes in column C and more tasks in column D and so on. If A2 is true, I only want to format cells A2 and B2. If C3 is true, I only want to format cells C3 and D3. Can this be done with a single formula? I'm trying to avoid app scripts, but maybe its the only way. I'm not sure. Thanks!

I've tried using separate rules for sets of two columns and that only works if you're not actively copying tasks back and forth which users will be doing a lot of.

dimanche 3 décembre 2023

updating a state inside a map, causes to push new elements to state that I don't want

here I have data state which I'm trying to loop over it with map function, and print out checklist which I called myChecklist.

import React, { useState } from 'react'

const App = () => {

  const [data, setData] = useState([
      isChecked: true
      isChecked: false
      isChecked: false

  const myCheckList =, index) => {
    return (
      <div key={index}>
        <input type="checkbox" 
          onChange={e => {setData(prev => [...prev, prev[index].isChecked =])}} 
          id={index} />
        <label htmlFor={index}>{}</label>


  return (

export default App

every time I click my any of the checkboxes, it updates to isChecked Boolean referring to that checkbox. the problem is pushes new elements to the data state which cause the to map function to create a new checkbox I don't want. when ever I click the my checkboxes the log of **data **state should look like this:

        "id": 0,
        "isChecked": true
        "id": 1,
        "isChecked": false
        "id": 2,
        "isChecked": false

but after changing the checkbox a couple of times it would look like this:

        "id": 0,
        "isChecked": true
        "id": 1,
        "isChecked": false
        "id": 2,
        "isChecked": false

noticed some true false values pushed to the state. I am NOT pushing anyThing so why this happens ????

I'll appreciate your help. thanks

I tried to separate the state that I am mapping throw and the state I want to update like this

import React, { useState } from 'react'

const App = () => {

  const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState([
    {isChecked: false},
    {isChecked: false},
    {isChecked: false}

  const data = [

  const myCheckList =, index) => {
    return (
      <div key={index}>
        <input type="checkbox" 
          onChange={e => {setIsChecked(prev => [...prev, prev[index].isChecked =])}} 
          id={index} />
        <label htmlFor={index}>{}</label>


  return (
    <div id='my-id'>{myCheckList}</div>

export default App```

no new checkboxes would be printed to DOM but the issue of pushing elements I don't to the state, still remains

samedi 2 décembre 2023

Save PDF FormFields using VBA Excel

I've been writing values in the form fields from cell values in excel using VBA The problem is when it comes to checkbox, I have two checkbox, say checkbox 1 and checkbox 2. In order fot the checkbox1 to be marked the values of them must be 1 and 1 respectively For Checkbox2 to be marked, the values of the two checkbox must be 0 and 2 respectively I also have checkbox that is either 0 and 1 for it to be marked or not.

Whenever the program is done, you can check from the preview of the generated PDF file that markings are done correctly, but when you try to open it, values are there for text fields but the checkmarks are back to its default markings.

Is there something wrong with the values i stored for the checkbox.? I check the identification of the form field their type and values to get the right I.D. for the checkbox.

I tried writing it to 0 and 1 for on and off. Didn't solve the problem.

I tried going to PDF's Edit>Preferences>Documents> Checked "Save As Optimizes for Fast Web View"

I tried bringing it to front, automate left click and ctrl S, but it didn't work out

I simulated click on the boxes, and it is working fine.

Is there a way to get it right without simulating click?, because users might be using different dimensions in the screen, so it would be different target point for the click.

vendredi 1 décembre 2023

Assign code to multiple commandbuttons via loop

I am currently working on a vocabulary programm. That includes choosing which chapters (1-35) should be checked. I have a userform with 35 checkboxes. I have assigned the properties for the checkboxes via loop. Now I have to give every checkbox a induvidial code, the code is:

Privat Sub Checkbox1()
End sub

Chapters_checked is an array which stores, wheather a chapter needs to be checked or not. As you can see the code can be written with a loop, but I do not know how to give every checkbox a code with a loop. Anyone has an idea? Conrad

I did not try anything, since I did not found the tag "code"

MudBlazor checkboxes in tables being independent from one another

I want the user to be able to check only one Element at a time. If they check another element then that becomes checked any the others are false. I'm using MudBlazor and I tried to control this via a method but I've failed horribly.

<MudTable T="Element" Items="@Elements" Hover="true">
        <MudTd DataLabel="checkbox">
            <MudCheckBox Value="@context.Checked" T="bool" CheckedChanged="CheckedChanged" Color="Color.Warning" CheckedIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.PersonPinCircle" UncheckedIcon="@Icons.Material.Outlined.PersonPinCircle"></MudCheckBox>
        <MudTd DataLabel="Nr">@context.Number</MudTd>
        <MudTd DataLabel="Name">@context.Name</MudTd>
        <MudTablePager PageSizeOptions="new int[]{50, 100}" />

@code {
    private IEnumerable<Element> Elements = new List<Element>()
        new Element("helium", 1),
        new Element("borium", 45),
        new Element("argon", 346),
        new Element("oxygen", 51),
        new Element("radium", 467),

    protected void CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Set every other elements checked to false
        foreach (var item in Elements)
            item.Checked = false;

        // set this elements checked value to what is is not
        CheckBox3 = !CheckBox3;

    public class Element
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Number { get; set; }
        public bool Checked { get; set; }

        public Element(string name, int number)
            Name = name;
            Number = number;
            Checked = false;