mardi 19 décembre 2023

Oracle Apex checkbox on the interactive report

i am trying to add checkbox column on a interactive report. this is the reference that i used. it works when i click the header and choose all the rows but when i click on a row spesifically it throws an error says : "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'checked')"

here is my dynamic actions:

var cb$, checked, allRows$,
    sel$ = $("#P1_SELECTED"),
    event = this.browserEvent,
    target$ = $(,
    th$ = target$.closest("th"),
    tr$ = target$.closest("tr");

if (th$.length) {
    // the click was on the "select all"
    // checkbox or checkbox cell
    cb$ = th$.find("input");
    if (cb$.length && cb$.val() === "all") {
        checked = cb$[0].checked;
        if (target$[0].nodeName !== 'INPUT') {
            // only do this if the click was not on the checkbox
            // because the checkbox will check itself
            checked = cb$[0].checked = !checked;
        if (sel$.val() === "") {
        $("#seq_id").find("td input").each(function() {
            this.checked = checked;
            // give a visual style to the [un]selected row
            $(this).closest("tr").toggleClass("selected", checked);
            // update the hidden selected item
            sel$.val(sel$.val().replace("|" + this.value + "|", "|"));
            if (checked) {
                sel$.val(sel$.val() + this.value + "|");
} else if (tr$.length) {
    // the click was on some other data row
    cb$ = tr$.find("td").first().find("input");
    checked = cb$[0].checked;
    if (target$[0].nodeName !== 'INPUT') {
        // only do this if the click was not on the checkbox
        // because the checkbox will check itself
        checked = cb$[0].checked = !checked;
    // give a visual style to the [un]selected row
    tr$.toggleClass("selected", checked);
    // update the hidden selected item
    if (checked) {
        if (sel$.val() === "") {
        sel$.val(sel$.val() + cb$.val() + "|");
    } else {
        sel$.val(sel$.val().replace("|" + cb$.val() + "|", "|"));        
    // update the select all checkbox state
    allRows$ = $("#seq_id").find("td input");
    checked = (allRows$.length === allRows$.filter(":checked").length);
    $("#seq_id").find("th input")[0].checked = checked;

this is the after refresh script

var checked,
    allRows$ = $("#seq_id").find("td input");
checked = (allRows$.length === allRows$.filter(":checked").length);
$("#seq_id").find("th input")[0].checked = checked;

here is the error ss error

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