I have these components and I have 12 checkboxes in child component. I want to have them checked by default when the component loads. I can't do that. I can't use checked='true'
as an attribute for my input because formik is controlling my input and it doesn't work well. Or I set checked attribute with some pre-defined values in checked array, but again it worked badly. I thought I probably can use useRef here to trigger onChange
event of input to simulate changing checkboxes by checking them. something like this:
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
and setting ref to the input. But this didn't work. How can I fix this problem with ref or something else?
import {useFormik} from "formik";
import CheckboxesComponent from "./CheckboxesComponent";
const AddUserForm = ({handleShowForm, showForm, formTitle}) => {
const cities = options.slice(1)
const [textAreaString, setTextArea] = useState('')
const formik = useFormik({
initialValues: {
tel: '', name: '', password: '', username: '', province: '', level: '', availableCities: '', city: '',
checked: []
onSubmit: values => {
<form className='add-user-form' onSubmit={formik.handleSubmit}>
<div className='form-flex'>
{/*other parts of form*/}
<CheckboxesComponent handleChange={formik.handleChange} />
export default AddUserForm
const fields = [
{name: 'delNomad', label: 'حذف عشایر'},
{name: 'editNomad', label: 'ویرایش عشایر'},
{name: 'addNomad', label: 'افزودن عشایر'},
{name: 'delDriver', label: 'حذف راننده'},
{name: 'editDriver', label: 'ویرایش راننده'},
{name: 'addDriver', label: 'افزودن راننده'},
{name: 'rejectReq', label: 'رد درخواست ها'},
{name: 'manualDeliver', label: 'تایید تحویل دستی'},
{name: 'addWaterReq', label: 'افزودن درخواست آب'},
{name: 'getExcel', label: 'دریافت فایل اکسل'},
{name: 'seeingReport', label: 'مشاهده گزارش گیری'},
{name: 'delReq', label: 'حذف درخواست ها'},
const CheckboxesComponent = ({handleChange}) => {
<div className='checkboxes-part'>
{fields.map((item, index) => {
<input type='checkbox' name='checked' value={item.name} onChange={handleChange} />
export default CheckboxesComponent
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