vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Query after multiple checkbox list items fails

I have a checkboxList

var checkBoxListAllStates = (CheckBoxList)PanelDeliveryState.GetAllControls().First(y => y.GetType() == typeof(CheckBoxList));

And a ListItem which will contain only the selected checkboxes

var onlySelectedStates = checkBoxListAllStates.Items.Cast<ListItem>().

Where (y => y.Selected).Select(y=>y.Value);

A database context variable : var query = _dbContext.Deliveries;

The problem is that when I want to query in the database for each value in the onlySelectedStates the query will not function in the for each and it will retrieve only the list containing the first value.

The query is like this :

query = query.Where(y => y.State == (ExternalProductState)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExternalProductState), eachSelectedState).

Tried a lot but did not found a solution. Any idea ?

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