lundi 26 octobre 2015

Trying to add multiple checkbox into an array on Android Studio

Im doing an App on Android Studio and im trying to add all my checkbox IDs into an array, so i can use it , without doing it manually. I tried to do it on another way, but i didn´t find nothing on google that help me,

So here is my goal:

I want to get all my Checkbox ids, so i can get their text. And i don´t want to do it manually because i got alot of checkboxs.

I tried to write a code by myself but i´m getting an message error. Here is my code:

 CheckBox[] MinhaCheckBox;
    SharedPreferences Dados;
   String MinhaPasta = "Pasta";
    String valor;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void btn_Gerar(View v)
        Dados = getSharedPreferences(MinhaPasta,0);
        SharedPreferences.Editor Edita = Dados.edit();
        int IDTexBoz[] = {,,,,,
        for(int i = 0 ; i < IDTexBoz.length; i++)

 *//I GOT AN ERRO HERE. please help me.*
 * // when i try to put mycheckbox on my array, i got th error!*
            MinhaCheckBox[i] = (CheckBox)findViewById(IDTexBoz[i]);

        for (int a= 0; a < MinhaCheckBox.length;a++)
            valor += MinhaCheckBox[a].getText().toString() + ";";
        Edita.putString("Dado", valor);

        Intent MeuIntent = new Intent(this,Main2Activity.class);

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