vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Jquery Checkbox is checked?

I am working on making a slider that has different prices using jQuery and a little rangeslider.js. I made everything work, but the second two numbers only change when I move the slider, not when I check the checkbox. I am trying to make the numbers change right when I click the checkbox.

$(document).on('input change', '#range-slider', '#voiceover', function() { //Listen to slider changes (input changes)       

    var v=$(this).val();
  var voiceOption = $('#voiceover');//Create a Variable (v), and store the value of the input change (Ex. Image 2 [imageURL])


var totalPrice = parseInt(voiceoverSubtotal[v])+parseInt(videoSubtotal[v]);

  /*if(":checked") ){

Thank you so much my codepen is here:

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