mercredi 21 novembre 2018

How to change img with JavaScript using radio button and switch case?

I want to have a background image depending on the checked radio button, using a switch case. However I'm not finding the right solution to get the value from the checked radio button.

Snippet of my code:


<section class="configurator__product">

<label for="blue" class="hidden">Blue</label>
<input type="radio" id="blue" name="color-totebag" value="tote-blue" class="circle tote-blue">
<label for="green" class="hidden">Green</label>
<input type="radio" id="green" name="color-totebag" value="tote-green" class="circle tote-green">
<label for="black" class="hidden">Black</label>
<input type="radio" id="black" name="color-totebag" value="tote-black" class="circle tote-black">

There's more inputs, 5 in total, hence the reason I don't think using if/else is optional. But I hope it gets clear with the amount of code I'm giving here.


const changeTotebagColor = () => {
    let totebagColor = document.getElementsByName(`color-totebag`).value;
    const $totebagImg = document.querySelector(`.configurator__product`);

    switch (totebagColor) {
        case `tote-blue`:
            $ = "url('assets/img/totebag_blue')";
        case `tote-green`:
            $ = "url('assets/img/totebag_green')";
        case `tote-black`:
            $ = "url('assets/img/totebag_black')";


I hope it's a bit clear to what I'm trying to figure it out. I'm new to JavaScript, so maybe I'm doing this all wrong. I've tried numerous solutions online, however I had no luck. I would also like to avoid in-line JavaScript if possible, but I'm open to any solution at this point.

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