mercredi 19 décembre 2018

Turn CheckBoxes into CheckButtons

I am trying to turn These checkboxes:

enter image description here

Into These Checkboxes(I will refer to these as CheckButtons):

enter image description here

Directly below is the code of the current Check Boxes:

        @foreach (var department in Model.Select(u => new { u.DepartmentId, u.DepartmentName }).Distinct().ToDictionary(u => u.DepartmentId, u => u.DepartmentName).OrderBy(u => u.Value))
        <text> &nbsp; &nbsp;</text>
@department.Value <input name="department_chkbox" type="checkbox" value="@department.Key" />
        if (i > 5)
            i = 0;

The HTML of the desired ones is below but it does not tell me much:

<td id="checkboxcontainer">
     <input type="checkbox" name="statusId" value="1" id="ckActive" checked="checked" /><label for="ckActive">Active</label>
     <input type="checkbox" name="statusId" value="2" id="ckLeave" /><label for="ckLeave">Leave</label>
     <input type="checkbox" name="statusId" value="3" id="ckSusp" /><label for="ckSusp">Suspended</label>
     <input type="checkbox" name="statusId" value="4" id="ckTerm" /><label for="ckTerm">Terminated</label>

Does anyone know what is being called to make the checkboxes turn into "checkbuttons" I wrote the check box code, but I do not have access to the check button code. Im assuming that this is something that is done in eitehr Javascript or Jquery. Also there is no class for the

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